
Maximize your publisher earnings by partnering with Amazon Sellers through Awin

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Access higher commissions, seamless product discovery, and faster payments by leveraging Awin's partnerships with Archer Affiliate and Levanta.

With US shoppers spending a record $14.2 billion during this year’s Amazon Prime Day, demand for Amazon products is higher than ever. For publishers, Amazon's market dominance offers an unparalleled opportunity to forge lucrative partnerships with the platform’s sellers, driving significant revenue growth by capitalizing on the immense traffic and sales potential.

Awin is thrilled to now partner with Archer Affiliate and Levanta, offering our publishers direct access to Amazon brands.


  • Higher commission rates: Gain access to inventory with commission rates 2-7 times higher than those offered by Amazon Associates.
  • Seamless product discovery: Easily access Levanta’s and Archer Affiliate’s product discovery with a single click on the Awin platform, and start browsing and identifying the best products for your audience.
  • Unified reporting: Manage and analyze all your affiliate performance data in one place on the Awin platform. This way, you can easily identify trends and make informed decisions quickly and efficiently. 
  • Easy integration: Effortlessly integrate your performance data into your existing systems using Awin's APIs, allowing you to focus more on strategic growth rather than technical challenges.
  • Faster payments: Through Awin, you receive your payments on time, ensuring a smooth and predictable cash flow for your business.

Facilitating new partnerships is one of Awin’s top priorities. We're excited to offer our North American publishers the opportunity to work with Archer Affiliate and Levanta through our platform. These partnerships not only open doors to exclusive Amazon seller relationships but also provide access to enhanced commission opportunities, allowing publishers to maximize their revenue potential and leverage unique benefits that drive success.” - Joris Cretien, VP Publisher Development US

Already have an Amazon Associates account?

No problem. You can continue to benefit from your Associates account while still taking advantage of these partnerships. The combination of both will help you build valuable direct relationships with sellers, complementing your existing traffic sources.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to supercharge your affiliate earnings. Start working with Archer Affiliate (ID: 66832) and Levanta (ID: 74300) through Awin today and watch your revenue soar.