ThinkTank US FAQ - Awin

What is ThinkTank US?
When is ThinkTank US?
How many people will attend ThinkTank 2024?
Where will the event take place?
I am a member of the Awin Group, can I purchase a ticket to ThinkTank US?
Yes, any member of the Awin Group can purchase tickets beginning January 1, 2024. Please note if you purchase tickets and are not an Awin Group member your order will be refunded/cancelled.
I am purchasing an Advertiser/Agency ticket, can I send more than two representatives?
Yes, we have the option for purchasing up to 2 additional representative passes for Advertiser/Agencies as an add-on. You can purchase the add-on tickets through the Eventbrite link. If you have additional questions, contact
What are networking tables?
Networking tables will give you a dedicated location to showcase your brand and host any meetings scheduled during the dedicated 1:1 meeting time. These are included in the advertiser and agency ticket cost.
What is included in my networking table as an Advertiser/Agency?
Each networking table will include one table, two chairs, and tabletop signage with your logo. You are welcome to bring or ship any additional signage or collateral for your table. You will also receive additional onsite and in-app branding opportunities.
How many tickets can I register for?
Are hotel rooms included in my ticket price?
Is there a hotel block?
Can I cancel or transfer my ticket?
In the unfortunate event that you need to cancel your ticket or transfer your ticket to another colleague, please contact
Can I get a networking table if I am not an Advertiser/Agency?
There will be plenty of networking space throughout the venue for attendees to meet with all the partners of their choice. However, if you are interested in securing a networking table and you are not an Advertiser/Agency, please contact
How do I become a sponsor?
Take a look at our sponsorship brochure and showcase your brand at this year’s ThinkTank US by securing one (or more) of our sponsorship opportunities.
What is included in my sponsor package?
You can see what's included in the different sponsorships when looking at our ThinkTank sponsorship brochure. If you are looking for a custom package for your brand, simply contact
Can I submit myself for a speaking opportunity?
Yes! We are accepting speaker proposals from now through January 12, 2024. For more details, navigate to the “Speakers” tab or read this blog post.
Does submitting a speaker proposal guarantee the opportunity?
Due to high demand, we unfortunately cannot guarantee a speaking slot for every submission. That said, we encourage all applicants to submit a form early to be considered for the widest range of sessions.
When will I receive an answer on my speaking proposal?
Applicants will receive a response from Awin and ShareASale indicating whether the submission was accepted or declined on a rolling basis after the submission form closes on January 12, 2024.
Do I need to be an Awin and/or ShareASale client to speak at ThinkTank?
While being a current client on Awin and/or ShareASale is not required, submissions from current clients will be prioritized.
Can I purchase a speaking slot?
At this time, there are no pay-to-play speaking opportunities at ThinkTank.
If I am accepted as a speaker, do I receive a free ticket to ThinkTank?
Applicants who are selected to speak will have their individual tickets to the full event comped, but do not receive any guest passes. If you are an agency or advertiser, this means you will still need to purchase a networking table should you wish to have one at the event for your 1:1 partner meetings, but we will comp your individual pass. For full details on tickets, please navigate to the “Tickets” tab.
If I am accepted as a speaker, do I receive comped Travel & Entertainment?
We do not cover speaker T&E.