
Affiliate marketing tips for vloggers

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Video blogging, or vlogging, has been a popular form of content creation for quite some time.

With an increase in live video streaming, more websites, bloggers and influencers are incorporating video into their overall marketing strategy.

Adding video content can drastically help a website or social platform in many ways, including boosting SEO ranking, keeping visitors on site longer, and increasing conversion and engagement rates.

To better support these efforts, we're sharing our top tips and best practices for all things vlogging.

Types of video marketing


Live, instantaneous video began with Snapchat, and from there has grown to many other social platforms like Facebook Live and Instagram Stories. The momentary nature of these videos provides a sense of urgency to view or respond, compelling users to constantly check in.


YouTube is one of the oldest and most-common platforms to host videos. It is a library of video content from millions of users. These videos stand the test of time and are viewable over and over again, much like blog content.

Ways to incorpate affiliate links into video content

Product reviews

The internet is an  easy place for consumers to turn when looking for advice surrounding a purchase decision. Videos offering product reviews are a great way to help aid the consumer path to purchase and provide honest feedback about a product(s). Make it even easier for your viewers by including affiliate links within the overall content. 


Everyone loves receiving gifts, and packages (especially subscription boxes) can feel like opening a present. Let readers be a part of the fun by creating videos of the product unboxing, describing the items inside.

How-to videos

How-to videos are another popular type of video prime for affiliate links. Whether it's cooking the perfect poached egg or fixing a dishwasher, there is no shortage of videos explaining the breakdown of a project. An easy way to help viewers reach the same outcome is to link the items being used so they can purchase them with minimal searching effort. 

Other creative ways to showcase products

There are many additional unique, fun videos that can be carefully crafted – home or room tours, capsule wardrobe, travel videos, etc. - to incorporate affiliate links.

Where to include affiliate links


The description of a video should not be forgotten. This is a great place to include an overview of the video, a link to a related blog post, and affiliate links to products. Not only does the title play a role in SEO ranking, but the description does too, so don’t leave it blank. With YouTube’s rules on using external links within your video, it is especially important to be strategic about which and how many links to include.

While social media accounts with live video options are more apt to links within the video, using a bio description to feature the latest link or post is a great opportunity to increase conversion. Drive viewers to a blog where all all affiliate links live, or create a short link to the product mentioned. 

Within the video

Each platform is different and has different restrictions surrounding links within a video. Some require the user to have a certain number of followers, some force users to join a partner program and others don’t have any. Whatever the case may be, including links within the video itself is another great way to engage with viewers and increase conversion.

FTC disclosure for video

Proper disclosure is just as much a requirement for video as it is for a blog post, if not more so. Not only is there a requirement to place disclosure at the beginning of the video, but it must match the medium. That means it must be not only verbally stated in the video, but also written so someone with sound off can still read it.

For more FTC disclosure tips and tricks, please click here.

If not already, there is no better time than now to start thinking about how to incorporate video – both static and live – into a content plan and affiliate strategy.   Video already successfully plays a key role in influencer marketing.

As more people turn to video to aid in purchase decisions, the opportunity to support and supplement blog content only grows. Additionally, repurposing old blog posts into video is another way to monetize content, versus relying on just one source for conversion.