
Partner Case Studies

Discover how our partners have used Awin's platform to grow their affiliate marketing programs and reach their goals.



Publisher Spotlight: Qatch

Discover how Qatch solves choice overload online shoppers face by providing personalized shopping experiences through SMS marketing via the affiliate channel.

Publisher Spotlight: GAAN Creative

This Women's History Month, we shine a spotlight on a women-owned business that empowers creators to get fair recognition and compensation for their content.

Publisher spotlight: Active Junky

Learn how Active Junky focuses on catering to individuals passionate about sports, outdoor activities, fitness, and health while offering Cash Back incentives. 

Publisher spotlight: Miles

Miles is a unique affiliate publisher focused on environmental protection, incentivizing users to consider alternatives to traditional transportation. 

Publisher Spotlight: Dolr

As summer winds down and back to school begins, we’re highlighting a publisher that helps alleviate a problem millions of students face.