Elevate Service Add-on
Drive your programme to the next level with a personalised consultation service.

Awin Self Service offering | 3599* SEK/NOK/DKK or €299*
Has your programme hit an invisible ceiling? Are you looking for more industry insights? Or, do you want to speak to a member of the team to help give your programme an extra boost? One of our Customer Success Consultants will be happy to deliver a personalised Elevate add-on to drive your programme to the next level. The Elevate add-on will take place over a 1 hr call and will cover the following topics, tailored to your brand and sub-sector:
*Prices exclusive of VAT
Please note, if you need to cancel or rearrange your service add-on appointment we require notice of 48 working hours. The appointment may only be rearranged once. If you/your team were unable to join without providing notice unfortunately the fee cannot be refunded. Offers are subject to change by Awin and all offer details are subject to contract and additional terms and conditions. Updated on: 20/03/2023