How to run successful campaigns in the Awin platform
Written by Edward Chaput de Saintonge on 3 minute read
Find out how we have improved campaign management.

The launch of our upgraded platform allowed us to place partner discovery at the heart of the platform. However, it also gave an opportunity to enhance other areas of the platform. One area of focus was facilitating successful campaigns. This included creating a campaign-specific rewarding process alongside a place to centrally store and manage paid placements with visibility and clarity for both advertiser and publisher.
Campaign specific rewards
The campaign parameter already exists within tracking making it possible to identify a user journey that originated from a campaign. This is available within the Transactions report and provided some level of visibility over the success of a campaign.
However, to make campaigns more engrained within Awin we added Commission by Campaign as a specific tool to the Commission Manager. In essence, Commission by Campaign allows you to make dynamic commissioning rules, rules that can be applied in certain instances, for example transactions with a campaign parameter. Now you can create specific commission rules for any sales that use a defined campaign parameter. These rules can be given a start and end date and selectively applied across your partner base depending on the requirements of your campaign. Ultimately, this makes it much simpler and smoother to create timebound, bespoke commission rules to incentivise your partners as they run your campaigns.
Introducing the Exposure Planner
As you may have noticed, the successful implementation of a Commission by Campaign is the correct usage by the partner of the advertiser supplied campaign code, otherwise the standard commission rules will be applied to the transaction.
Many campaigns and agreements happen with a direct fee for services. This could be a one-off payment for a specific piece of exposure such as featuring in a promotional email. For these cases, we have launched the Exposure Planner to help store and manage any agreed partner placements.
Advertisers can add the details of the agreement to the platform and schedule a one- off payment for the partner’s services. Publishers have the same level of visibility over the agreement and when they can expect payment.
This is only the beginning of the Exposure Planner. We are actively working on delivering more functionality to create even more visibility, to include the sign off process from both parties within the UI and include different payment models such as hybrid fixed payments combined with a CPA, so watch this space for further details.
Enhancing the payment options for the Exposure Planner aligns the tool with the Opportunity Marketplace and the different payment options available for opportunities. The Opportunity Marketplace still provides a great place to discover new campaign opportunities and partners, while their execution is improved through the use of Commission by Campaign and the Exposure Planner.
Ready to take your affiliate marketing to the next level? Contact our team with any questions or explore our plans for more information. Let's embark on this innovative journey together and watch your affiliate marketing strategy soar.